Two suggestions to follow if you need to use a business storage unit


Here are a few suggestions to remember if you need to rent a business storage unit.

Keep it extremely well-organised

It's important not to start chucking items from your premises into this place in a haphazard way. Instead, you should keep it very organised from the start. This might mean keeping, for example, your extra stock in clear plastic boxes and stacking these boxes neatly so that you can easily see what's in each one and can also easily access every box.

There are many reasons why you should do this. Firstly, it means that when you need to quickly pick up a specific document or product, you won't waste half your workday rummaging around a messy unit, looking for this item so that you can complete an important business task. Secondly, if your employees will also need to occasionally retrieve goods or paperwork from this unit, making sure that it's safe and tidy is particularly important. If, for example, a collection of boxes that you stacked too high falls on top of them, you might not only have to pay them compensation for any harm this does to them but your employee might be unable to work for weeks.

Furthermore, both you and your employees will be more likely to break any stock and damage any paperwork you leave in this unit if everything is carelessly left on the floor or stacked untidily. This may then cost your business money.

Consider renting more than one unit if it would benefit you

You might also find it helpful to rent multiple business storage units. If, for example, you run a pet shop and need to keep stock, such as fish, dog and cat food in the unit, but you also need to store paperwork in the facility, it might be best to keep your stock away from your business documents.

The reason is that these types of animal and fish foods tend to emit odours, even when they're in their unopened containers. As such, over time, any paperwork you leave on the shelves beside these foods may begin to smell, too. Furthermore, if, for example, you knock over some bottles of flea or worm treatment that you're keeping here and they spill onto this paperwork, they might ruin it.

If there are any documents that you might need to show to or share with clients or employees in the future, it might be best to ensure that they don't get malodorous or covered in toxic liquids. As such, in this situation, you might want to keep all of your business' paperwork in one unit and your extra stock in another so that there is no possibility of this happening.

Contact a local business storage service to learn more.


8 February 2021

Everything You Want to Know About Business

Hi, welcome to the blog! From the earliest days of blogging, I’ve been fascinated by the concept of the business blog. While I'm not a businessman, I do have a strong interest in medium and small business projects. I read a lot of business blogs and watch a lot of YouTube vids. I've researched and written about various topics relating to the world of business such as business development, goal setting, sales, and much more. I will be adding more stuff to this site on a regular basis so please be sure to check back soon. See you again soon!